Wednesday, August 06, 2008

new creation

last night i finished the clutch from the amy butler book, In Stitches. all in all, it wasn't too difficult, so i of course had to make things harder on myself by using plaid! that just forced me to think a little more before i stitched (oh, and forced me to rip out some more seams, too...blah). it's sort of a weird choice for me, but i think i like it because it's a weird choice for me. =) the fabric was thrifted and only cost about $1!

i don't love the cotton batting, it reminds me a little bit of an oven mitt, but that could have something to do with the plaid. i might remake this bag with a different fabric or a vintage silk scarf...and maybe with less batting (or none at all--jut an interfacing). i also added a handle (inspired by so many lovely creations on flickr)--which helps, since this would be a weirdly large clutch otherwise.

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